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Emergency Preparedness: The Role of Security Systems in Crisis Management

AT&I Systems, a leader in security solutions, is here to help with a range of innovative products and services designed to enhance crisis management and help businesses and public spaces respond quickly and effectively.   Public Safety BDA Systems: Ensuring Clear...

What Florida Businesses Need to Know About Statute 633.202 and How AT&I Systems Helps You Prepare

Overview of Florida Statute 633.202 Florida Statute 633.202 specifies requirements for businesses to install communication systems that ensure clear communication for first responders inside buildings during emergencies. Non-compliance with these regulations can lead...

Securing Financial Institutions: Protecting People and Assets with AT&I

Due to the rapid technological advancement and evolving threats, safeguarding financial institutions demands a proactive and comprehensive security approach. AT&I Systems is your security partner, offering tailored solutions to protect both people and assets from...

Creating Safer Spaces: A Deeper Look into AT&I Systems

For over 19 years, AT&I Systems has provided cutting-edge security solutions, ensuring the safety and peace of mind of its clients across Southern Florida and multiple states in the U.S. Future Proof Technologies As a leading security company, we harness...

Designing a Customized Security Plan for Your Business

Whether you manage a multi-family property, a healthcare facility, or a financial institution, the need for a robust security system cannot be overstated. However, cookie-cutter solutions often fall short of adequately addressing the unique security needs of different...

Combatting the Vape Epidemic

The HALO Smart Sensor is an IoT-powered innovation designed to detect and respond to changes in the environment in real-time. While its capabilities span across various aspects of environmental monitoring, one area where HALO excels is vape detection.   Vaping...
Understanding Bi-Directional Amplifiers (BDAs) and NFPA Regulations

Enhancing Public Safety: Understanding Bi-Directional Amplifiers (BDAs) and NFPA Regulations

Ensuring the safety of occupants during emergencies is paramount for any building, and reliable communication for first responders is key to achieving this. One vital component in achieving seamless communication is the Bi-Directional Amplifier (BDA), a device...

Enhancing Security with Visual Firearm Detection Technology

Visual firearm detection stands at the forefront of advanced security solutions, leveraging artificial intelligence to recognize firearms in various settings swiftly. Utilizing your existing security camera infrastructure, these systems detect firearms and trigger...
Cyber security risk assessment

What to Look for in a Risk Management Consulting Service

Risk Management consulting is an increasingly popular service being utilized by organizations and companies globally. Risk management is an approach that focuses on mitigating risks as much as possible. It is an effective approach to the reduction and prevention of...
Security Consultants discuss CCTV project

6 Signs You Need to Conduct a Security Assessment

What Is Security Assessment Testing? Apart from cybercrime, businesses can be threatened by theft and vandalism, rogue or unstable staff, security breaches on the premises, and even terrorism. Securing your building, whether commercial or residential, is crucial now...

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Pros & Cons of Self-Monitoring Security Systems

Theft costs small businesses and major retailers immense amounts of money each and every year. A survey by Jack L. Hayes International, Inc. discovered that “just 22 large retailers” reported “over 184,000 shoplifters and dishonest employee apprehensions in 2020,” and...

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