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4 Real-Life Problems Security Risk Assessments Look to Solve
Online security risks and data compromises are more common than you may think and are becoming an increasingly prevalent concern for businesses and individuals worldwide. Statistics show that 80% of these data breaches occur because of password compromises and a lack...
Security Consulting: Benefits and Applications
What is a Physical Security Consultant? A physical security consultant is a professional that oversees the overall security of a premises. Other responsibilities of a physical security consultant are to review operations and research different ways of making daily...
Perimeter Security: 7 Reasons Why Your Business Need One
While few businesses would consider operating without having adequate security installed in their facilities, many fail to consider the importance of perimeter security — an oversight that can have significant consequences. According to the FBI, “larceny-thefts...
Hospital Security: 13 Effective Tips to Safeguard Emergency Rooms
From antiquity, hospitals have been places of healing, and ancient cultures such as Greeks, Romans, Indians, and Persians dedicated specific spaces to the treatment of the ill. In our day and age, though, violence too often erupts within hospitals, particularly in...
Wireless Security 101 For Non-Techies
Crime is a big business — at least for criminals. According to the FBI, there were 6,925,677 property crimes across the United States in 2019 (the most recent year for which there are statistics). Additionally, larceny-theft, which the FBI defines as “the unlawful...
Using The Cloud to Make Your Community More Secure
Florida is expected to gain over 1.2 million homeowners within the next 20 years, and with ⅔ of the current population already living in some type of HOA, there has never been a better time to move your community’s security system into the cloud. However, many people...
Which type of access credential is right for your community?
One of the first things to understand about any sort of security system is that there’s no such thing as a “one size fits all” solution. Your space has different dimensions, vulnerabilities, assets, employees, and client concerns that differ from those of another...
5 Thermal Imaging Camera Applications for Public Safety
Thermal imaging may seem like something out of science fiction, but it has its roots firmly planted in history. In the late 19th century, American astronomer Samuel Pierpont Langley created a device called a bolometer, a device comprised of metal plates, a bridging...
6 Checkpoints to Evaluate the Strength of Any Security System
If you’re in business, you know that you need some sort of security system. However, not all security systems are created equal, and not all will work well in your business’ particular context. For example, what if your current system excels at identifying risks, but...